2. Bactivate Bioboost Enhance
Carbon from plants not coal.
Plants and pastures are an incredible gift. Left to their own devices they feed themselves through a community of bacteria. Imagine producing your own food? Plant leaves, bark, flowers and fruits all degrade to carbon when they drop to the ground. Bacteria that surround the plant roots use that carbon as a source of energy by converting it to glucose. The bacteria then give the plant the food it needs (by converting it to ammonium, nitrate and nitrite, which the plant uses as a source of energy to grow).
Plant carbon is the most natural and bio-available form of carbon (it’s what the plants make themselves) and far more environmentally friendly than carbon derived from coal mines.
Bactivate Bioboost Enhance stimulates the growth of bacteria colonies allowing them to grow rapidly. It also contains energy potassium, which is critical to energy production in plants.
Core benefits: Energy for bacteria. Stimulates colony growth. Environmentally friendly.
Application: Approx. 2.5 L per hectare. Twice yearly (consult our soil experts for tailored advice for your farm). With standard boom spray.
Available sizes: 10L, 20L, 200L (e.g. 80 hectare farm), 1000L. Contact your local distributor for pricing.
Best with: Should be applied with Bactivate5 and Bactivate Seaweed.
Notes: Certified organic.